Complete Commitment to God
One of my favourite poems comes from Robert Louis Stevenson called, “Youth & Love: I”. The last stanza is one that motivated me in my youth to serve God. Now some years older, the power of complete sacrifice to God still motivates me forward, although I must confess that finishing well doesn’t seem as easy as I once thought.
Youth & Love: I - last stanza
Come ill or well, the cross, the crown,
The rainbow or the thunder,
I fling my soul and body down
For God to plough them under.
—Robert Louis Stevenson
The Ways
To every man there openeth
A Way, and Ways, and a Way.
And the High Soul climbs the High way,
And the Low Soul gropes the Low,
And in between, on the misty flats,
The rest drift to and fro.
But to every man there openeth
A High Way, and a Low.
And every man decideth
The Way his soul shall go.
—John Oxenham